A Tribute to Carrie Cheong: Honoring the Heart of NAUI Asia Pacific

NAUI Asia Pacific has long stood as a beacon of diving excellence and community spirit in the diverse aquatic world of Asia. We extend our deepest condolences as we share the somber news of the passing of Carrie Cheong, a pioneer staff member and the soul of our regional office. From her first day in 2001, alongside her sister Nancie, Jack, and Michael Tong, Carrie brought a light to our operations that will be deeply missed.

Carrie’s unique blend of warmth and dedication became the foundation of her office’s culture. Her fluency in multiple languages and her profound knowledge of NAUI’s intricacies were not just impressive; they were essential. She served as a lifeline for our members across Asia, bridging gaps from Malaysia to South Korea with grace and expertise.

But Carrie’s impact transcended her official role. She was the “big sister” of NAUI Asia Pacific, a role she embraced wholeheartedly. Members knew that a visit to her office was more than just a routine check-in; it was a chance to connect with Carrie, to be heard, and to receive support with a smile that never dimmed and wisdom that never faltered.

Her loss creates a void in our hearts and our community. Yet, Carrie’s passion for NAUI, her profound understanding of its members, and her unwavering commitment to their success have left an indelible mark. Her legacy is not just in the procedures she perfected or the policies she helped shape; it lives on in the countless members she guided, the colleagues she inspired, and the many lives she touched.

As we mourn the loss of our dear Carrie, we also celebrate the remarkable legacy she leaves behind—a legacy of kindness, dedication, and an unwavering spirit of support. Carrie will forever be remembered as the beating heart of NAUI Asia Pacific, and her inspiration will continue to guide us.

Rest in peace, Carrie. Your NAUI family will hold you in our hearts forever.